I'm sorry but this secret technique video only aired for 24 hours and has now been removed. But you can read the recap here if you'd still like to access the lessons.

In just a few minutes i'm going to show you how this fish will help you get laid. And he'll do it without teaching you cheesy pick up lines that don't work...

Without letting you spend a dime on dinners or drinks... and without anyone ever noticing that you're using his technique on them.

If you consider yourself an above-average, or even a typical guy, stick around... this is totally for you.

So how did this skinny little loser-looking dude go from zero to "the chick whisperer"? Did i get rich? Did i memorize line after lame-ass line? Did i put on pheromone cologne?

Hell no.

The truth is pretty brutal: I was an absolute leper with women until i discovered this system...

If you looked up "whipped" in the dictionary it'd say:

"adj - situation whereupon a male is undeniably at the mercy of his high-maintenance girlfriend & answers to her every beck and call, usually followed by the re-prioritizing of girlfriend over friends, family, school, food, water, and air. (see. Josh pellicer)"

In fact, if i hadn't hit complete rock bottom, I'd probably still be terrible to this day.

Several years ago i was living with my complete ice-queen of an ex girlfriend in north carolina.

She was hot, young, and she knew it. You know - a total barbie who always gets what she wants. And I thought she was AMAZING in bed. (Now that i've been with a few hundred more women, I wouldn't even rate her a five.)

Back then, the old josh did anything she wanted. She wanted to move to north carolina - I said, "ok let's go!" She wanted to "keep in touch" with her ex boyfriend - I told her, "it's ok. I understand."

She wanted me to pay for the apartment - I didn't want to look like a deadbeat so i said, "I'll work two jobs, no problem." I just wanted to make her happy.

One brutally hot day i come home from a 14 hour shift at the coffee shop I worked at to find her freaking out. She told me that her dad was making a surprise visit and that she never told him that she was dating anyone, and definitely not that she was living with someone.

And the worst part? He was showing up that night!

So she told me to get all of my stuff and leave the house for a couple of days so he wouldn't find out that i lived there with her.

And, like the little boy that i was... I left.

I got all of my stuff, packed it all into my little crappy black honda accord, and drove out not having any idea where I'd go. I didn't have any friends in town, and I was way too proud to ask some random person if I could stay with them.

So i drove around until I found a vacant house that was for sale and I parked behind it, hoping no one would notice me sleeping in my car. It wouldn't have been too bad really. But I had to do it for 3 days in a row.

I had to sleep with the windows open because it was wayyyy too hot to close them. But the mosquitoes were so bad that I had to use a blanket to keep them off me. So I only slept about 2 hours each night. (I couldn't even lean the driver's seat back because all of my stuff was packed into the seat behind me.)

So I had to sleep sitting up in the driver's seat, covered in a blanket, in sweltering heat behind a vacant house, like a hobo. And then... It happened...

I freak out.

So, in a daze I put my hands out the window and a swarm of police officers jog over to my car with their guns out and aim in my window. Apparently, the neighbor had seen a strange car parked behind the vacant lot and called the police. I guess I would've done the same thing. After they calmed down and realized I wasn't some national threat, they asked me what I was doing there.

And that's when i did it...

I told them that my girlfriend's dad was in town. And he didn't know we were dating.

So I had to sleep in my car for a few days.

That's when one cop turned off his flash light, looked at the other cop in complete disbelief, and turned to me and said:


I was tired and i didn't have the energy to explain more, so I just said, "yeah." I think he was still trying to be professional so he told me that I needed to go somewhere else. Then he told me to try sleeping in the walmart parking lot. And as he was turning to walk back to his car, I heard him say...

The rest of the night I did some serious thinking. I sort of had to because I couldn't go to sleep. Have you ever been so tired that you can't fall asleep?? That was me. I just sort of woke up and realized that I was a complete and utter wuss. I was a sorry excuse for a man!

So that night I wrote a note to myself on a piece of notebook paper that said:

"I will get this attraction thing handled...or die trying."

(I still carry that note around with me to this day.)

So I grabbed the first thing I knew to look at out of the back seat. It was my psychology notebook from when I went to college in florida. I opened randomly and started reading. I don't know if I was delirious from no sleep for 3 days, or if something just snapped and my IQ jumped 50 points.

"Propinquity" - it's a $10 word - which is probably why I didn't remember it. So, I read all my notes on this "propinquity" thing... And I thought:

"Screw it! What in the hell do i have to lose? I'll try it out tomorrow."

So the next morning, after rinsing off with paper towels in the bathroom at place called panera bread (seriously!)

I went in to work and I started using it on the customers. The first time I used it, nothing. The second time, nothing again.

But the third time she smiled...asked me my name... and said she'd like to hang out after I got off work!

So that night, I hung out with her for an hour or two. (No... Nothing happened with her because I still didn't know what the hell I was doing). Plus I wasn't single yet.

Afterward I went back, broke up with my girlfriend (my car was already packed with my crap, anyway) and I spent the whole night looking through my notes to find other techniques I could try out. I did that every day for a week.

Then 2 weeks... Then a month... Then 6 months...

A year went by and I had read:

- 5 psychology text books
- 12 "dating advice" books - 2 etiquette books

And watched over 400 hours of training videos on building rapport, subliminal messaging, seduction, attraction, body language, and personality typing.


And eventually... I began to see patterns. Things that allowed me to plug myself into an "attraction switchboard".

So I created brand new techniques and tricks that the world had never seen before. And all to help me take advantage of those powerful patterns that I discovered.

But what were some of those techniques that I used (and that thousands of guys eventually started using) to get women to uncontrollably flirt, make out, and sleep with me time and time again?

The ones I found that work just about 100% of the time on just about any kind of woman regardless of her age, hair color, height, or how smoking hot she was?

You might want to get a pen and a piece of paper ready for this part.

Remember, these techniques will get you results instantly but I'm just barely scratching the surface here.

And pay close attention to the last technique I teach you because that's when I'm going to reveal the 1 simple "bizarro chick trick" that you've never heard of before that got me 90% of my success with women right away.

And how thinking like a fish is going to make you better with women than anyone you've ever known.

The first technique has to do with a chick's mouth. (I know... Chick's mouth...You want to put something in it. I get that.)

But before you run off and do that, let me tell you the secret!

Did you know that if you look at a woman's mouth while she is talking to you, that you'll subconsciously make her think about sleeping with you?

Sexual triggers are secret techniques that bypass all of her barriers and turn her on without her knowledge.

Using sexual triggers is like using inception to make her want to sleep with you. They are the cornerstone of unrivaled success with women and I'm going to reveal where you can get dozens of these near the end of this training.

These triggers are so stealth that they actually bypass a woman's logical brain (and yes she has one) and they speak directly to her emotional brain.

Here's another sexual trigger:

Did you know that over 90% of guys turn women off before they even open their mouths by facing them directly with their bodies?

Yeah... I didn't either! Turning your chest toward a girl too early is a subconscious sign of neediness (and it completely destroys sexual attraction!)

How about this little trick: Before you really start talking about something serious with a girl...

"I get a sense that you're open to trying new things and that makes me feel comfortable and at ease." Then continue your conversation with her.

Doing this at the right time will subconsciously compel her to chase you. It uses this psychological trick called "consistency".

And it's a biological shortcut that skips over all of her red-flags and plugs you directly into her "love center".

I don't think I need to warn you not to use that one irresponsibly!

Look... I know this all sounds ridiculously simple... Well... It is ridiculously simple!

But I've got a lot more to share with you if you really want to get the "9's and 10's". These triggers are going to get you in the front door, but they're not going to get you all the way home.

So let me teach you exactly how to get "all the way home."

But first I need to reveal a big big lie to you. If you don't see these lies for yourself, you'll always be invisible to the super hot chicks.

Because you've been lied to! A certain group of people want you to believe that women want this crap but they don't want it.

So let me start from the top:


You think women want money?? Well guess what?

You've been LIED to about money and I'm PISSED OFF about it!

Women are NOT attracted to big muscles (most women are actually repulsed by guys who look 'steroided up').

And it's NOT a full head of hair (in 2007, a survey revealed that 97% of women actually find bald men sexy).

And it's not good looks either (I remember seeing an interview with brad pitt where he admitted that he could not get a date when he first moved to hollywood!)

It's all about something called "PRE-SELECTION"

That's making her think that other women already want you. And let me tell you how that works:

Women have what's called a "Filter mechanism." That basically means that it's her job to filter out weak and undesired men. And you have what's called an "approach mechanism."

That's the thing that makes you kick yourself and feel like a wuss if you don't go and talk to a girl you're attracted to.These 2 things do not mix. They're like oil and water. And if you walk up to a woman with your normal approach mechanism like 99% of guys do, then she's going to filter you right out!

Just like oil and water.

This is a fact and it has been hard-wired into the females of our species. Just like every other species on the planet...Including...

The fish.

That's because a if a male is a brighter color it means that he's healthier. They look for those healthy genes to help their offspring survive. BUT

When 2 males are close to the same brightness...

Something very strange happens. The females all mate with the 1 male that the other females are mating with! It's just how they are wired.

And women are the exact same way. That's right. We're all thinking like fish. But if you're going to be a fish...I want you to be a piranha!

HOW do women know that other women are attracted to you just by looking at you??

Well here's the beautiful thing... They DON'T. They are absolutely GUESSING... And they're pretty good at it too!!


They're NOT Perfect at it!

And if you know the exact techniques... The EXACT Recipe For Sex That I am going to reveal in just a second...

You can make any woman THINK That other women are climbing over each other to get at your jock.

One-By-One...REGARDLESS Of what you look like, how much MONEY You have, Or how "good" you actually ARE with women.

You're not alone! So did i man... And it's because this "pre-selection" thing is the most well-guarded secret in the world.

But do you know who is guarding it??


And more specifically, The MAGAZINES.

Try this... Just pick up a chick's magazine and TRY To read it! It's chock-full of nonsense that they're saying men want! If chick magazines told the truth about what guys wanted they'd all say this:



And just like women obsess over needing every new purse they see in a magazine (which, of course, we don't care AT ALL About) we think we need to look like the super douches with tons of inheritance money that WE See in magazines!

It's no different. So forget about that because now you know that women are NOT Attracted to guys with money.

They're NOT Attracted to good looks. They're NOT Attracted to Huge muscles.And they're NOT Attracted to a full head of hair.

What women are REALLY Attracted to is pre-selection. That's IT. That's all. Everything else is A LIE.

But knowing exactly WHAT To mimic to use pre-selection to attract flocks of women is EVERYTHING.

And, while I'm NOTHING More than just an average guy...

When i started using pre-selection to get women to chase me I was completely broke AND Still living out of my car.

But I was sleeping with more than 15 new, young, hot women A MONTH. I was going through an entire LIFETIME Of awesome sex every 2 weeks!

Now, i wasn't born with good looks, I wasn't blessed with horse-sized manhood, and i'm not even remotely close to strong or muscular.

But... After wasting my whole life believing the lie that women actually cared about that stuff...

I finally came across this embarrassingly simple, tested, and proven process for making women immediately think that i have a waiting list just to date me. And whenever I feel like it, I use this technique to get a new chick to come back to my place with little or absolutely no effort at all without spending a dime doing it or risking rejection in the process.

And if i can do it...You can do it.

Every time a woman decides to sleep with a man she goes through the same 4-step process.

And if you know this simple 4-step process, you can take any woman you want through it (without her even knowing) and she will become intimate with you within a matter of minutes.

It's really out of her control.
It's scary to some people...

To think that there is a technique that any guy could do that would create attraction in a woman's subconscious...

People wondered a lot... What is it?

Well it's technically legal because no one has any proof that you're using it in the first place!

But when word got out that i was teaching it to average guys around the world, I started seeing some serious heat from the press anyway.

I got a call from NBC to come on the Today Show. I had a top rated show on Current TV revolving around me and my strange but effective techniques.

I've been mentioned in dozens of newspapers, online magazines, and all that stuff...and I landed a top rated satellite radio show on Sirius XM...

But you have to remember this...

I'm just a reformed little wuss with women who was just too tired of being walked all over to take anymore!

I wanted to have the women i knew i deserved. Just like i'm sure you do. I didn't want to settle for the ones i knew i could easily get. Just like you don't want to settle either.

My name is Josh Pellicer. And I'm the creator of The Tao Of Badass (Tao)

That's just another way of saying:

I've heard a lot of guys call it the "Stealth Seduction" system because it's completely under the radar.

But it's more like a step-by-step "Attraction Blueprint" that shows an average guy exactly what this 4-step process is and how to use it.

This is the very first step-by-step guide that uses a proven method for attracting any woman, even the first time you use it,
Without changing who you are, memorizing stupid lines, or creeping women out.

Even if you are over the age of 50 and you want younger women...are balding...are overweight and lazy...aren't rich...and are deathly afraid of
approaching women.

And especially if you've tried everything you could think of and you're still not seeing the result you really want!

There is nothing simpler, easier to use, and more effective than the tao system.

Now, i've revealed some pretty controversial secrets on this page.

Secrets That, Quite Frankly, I Could Get In A Lot Of Trouble For Revealing...

  • You now know that looking at a woman's mouth at the right time will make her uncontrollably daydream about sleeping with you...
  • You learned that facing a woman directly when you first meet her will completely and instantly turn her off..
  • You learned that just by saying one sentence you can make any woman compete for your attention and chase after you...
  • You found out that women actually don't want money, big muscles, a full head of hair, or good looks...
  • You now know (and this is what would get me in a lot of trouble) that women are actually attracted to "pre-selection" and that you can follow a few simple steps to use pre-selection to turn on any woman you want...
  • I also revealed the secret behind a woman's "filter mechanism" and that you can bypass it and stay under the radar while you're doing it...

Now, you can take this information that i've taught you here today and it will work...

Or, you can do what many guys do and

Sexual triggers designed to keep her interested in you...

Sexual triggers designed to make her become addicted to you...

Some triggers that will guarantee that she'll fall in love with you...

And some that will make you so confident around hot women that they'll be competing with each other for you the moment they see you...

And each trigger comes with simple, step-by-step instructions to make sure that you get it right every time.

If You're One Of Those Guys That Wants To "learn This Stuff Over Time"... Then Go Ahead And Close This Article Now

Because the next secret i'm going to reveal is only for guys who want my quick-start version.

Yeah... You might be a little impatient. But you know what you want and you don't want to waste your time with unnecessary trial and error. If that sounds like you, then you're going to want to know about my ultimate badass solution.

Mostly because no one else knows the secrets to bypass her logical brain that I do. It's not some complicated 100-step process.

It's not a recycled version of something you've heard before.

It's brand new. And i'm revealing it right now, for the first time. It has been secretly tested by thousands of guys who are in my "inner circle".

And i'm ready to open up this test to a few new guys who are ready to use these techniques to attract some sexy, young women.

But... I'm only interested in revealing my full system to a specific kind of guy.

So, if you're already really good with women and you don't want to know exactly how to seduce and attract every hot chick you meet...

Then close this page now and do not continue reading. I'm not here to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

So if you've ever gone a month or longer without exciting, crazy sex with a new, young, hot woman...

If you've ever had a girl that you liked stolen by some loud douche...

If you feel too old, ugly, fat, bald, or weak to date the most desirable women on the planet without having to chase them or buy them anything...

Or if you're just tired of having to constantly try to get women interested in you...

Then I want to download my brain into your head.

If you're not the most suave guy in the world...if you're nervous or hesitant around women...or if you're not as confident as you used to be or you would like to be...

Let me just tell you about a fraction of what's in The Tao System.

  • "The self-fulfilling prophecy qualifier" - an under-the-radar phrase that i say, word-for-word, that will instantly transform any woman into my private sex slave (and compel her to follow me around like a puppy dog without having to even think about competing with other dudes for her attention.)
  • "The Make Out Technique" - This one I hesitated to share at first (because this was my bread n' butter for a while. But with this technique i can say 1 simple and seemingly innocent phrase to any woman and make her lean in for a kiss even if she wasn't attracted to me in the first place).
  • "Instant Dominance" - I use this when I want a woman to be submissive around me...It's Extremely Arousing And, Almost Intimidating, To Women When I Do It
  • "The High Value Hello" - A change in the way i introduce myself to her that will get her aroused before i finish saying "hello"...
  • On page 114, I reveal the 10 undeniable ways you can know for sure that a woman is attracted to you, regardless of what she says.
  • How to read a woman's eye movements to tell whether she is lying, telling the truth, a visual thinker, naturally creative, and even if she has a secret and she doesn't want you to know about it. (It will be embarrassingly obvious to you once you know this simple, but weird trick!)
  • This "eye Reading Trick" (Developed Originally By The Fbi) Is Powerful, Proven Psychology Made Simple, And Applied To Work For You And To Help You Attract Women Effortlessly
  • You'll also discover the truth about attractive body language. Because I'm going to teach you the secret difference between "positive body language" and "dominant body language" on page 104... and how you can use it to command attention and attract women at the same time.
  • You'll also discover the truth about a woman's tests. - Women Give Men 3 Secret Tests That Most Men Will Absolutely Fail. And when you fail even one of these tests, even if you only screw up one time, you'll blow it with the "9's and 10's" and only attract women that are "4's and 5's".
  • On page 87 you'll discover what to say when a woman asks you to buy her a drink in a way that compels her to buy you a drink and flirt with you.
  • On page 57 you'll learn how to tell early if she is planning on putting you in the friend zone and the one thing you can say to reverse it and make her think of you as a potential boyfriend.
  • On page 57 you'll learn how to tell early if she is planning on putting you in the friend zone and the one thing you can say to reverse it and make her think of you as a potential boyfriend.

Women play loads of mind games with men... And we hate it.


They have to. Women need to give out tests in order to feel safe.

You have to know how to pass them. That's the only way to stay in control, draw women to you, and accomplish what 99% of men just can't.

And the only way you can pass them is with the techniques you'll learn in the tao system.

Well you're doing it completely backward if you're doing what the "experts" suggest that you do. I'm going to give you a simple change in your flirting on page 51 that will automatically bypass her logical brain, and speak directly to her emotions to make her feel attracted to you.

Really hot women get a lot of other guys staring at them and trying to take steal them away.

But in tao i'll teach you a simple trick to keep a woman from ever cheating on you and to keep her by your side forever.

Since i've found this out i've done it in every relationship i've been in and it has saved my ass on more than one occasion.

Want to know how to "read her mind"?

On page 97 i reveal a weird trick that shows you how to read the 'content' and the 'context' of body language (and this is my favorite).

To give you a superhuman-like ability to read women and know their fears, desires, and secrets... Instantly.

Tao isn't about 'fluff' or "filler". It's filled with easy-to-understand proven and cutting edge knowledge and technology built on what women are really attracted to. It's not complicated or hard to read. I'm not some scientist who is trying to wow you with his huge vocabulary. It's broken down so regular guys like you and me can understand it.

Now the price?

I'm going to get to that in a few seconds.

But i want to tell you something first. If you're interested in a system for making women fall in love with you, then first you'll have to read the disclaimer on the first page of chapter 8... It reads...

Because in chapter 8 i reveal the step-by-step process that every woman goes through when she falls deeply in love with a man.

And I reveal tools that you can use to make a woman fall in love with you. It's a powerful tool and if you want it, as soon as you pick up tao you'll want to turn straight to chapter 8 to get it.

Ever said something to a woman and, as the words are leaving your mouth, you realize that it was the absolute wrong thing to say?

Well, on page 39 you'll discover a simple thing you can do to erase that from your natural behavior.

And, of course, I reveal the right things to say as well.

Looking for a step-by-step visual guide to attracting a woman? Well by ordering today, only from this page...

A "do-this-then-do-that" process to take you from having never met a girl, straight through to getting her laughing, chasing you, and 'in the mood".

If you're a beginner, you're really going to enjoy what you uncover on page 73. It's a comprehensive manual on how to approach women properly and create attraction immediately.

And for the more advanced guys, "the system" outlined on page 45 will up your game like crazy!

So what's the price for this brand-new, secret system?

Neither is paying for expensive dinners, drinks, clothes, and maintaining monthly fees for online dating sites.

And I won't even talk about how expensive it can be to undo the negative effects that failing with women can have on your self esteem.

Plus, if you go out and pick up some cheesy "men are from mars" book you're going to get absolutely nothing in the way of actual usable techniques.

And you'll be left all alone without any support or help from like-minded guys like yourself!

What do you think a fair price would be?

$249 would be more than fair, considering all of the bonus products i'm about to give you.

But you're not going to pay $249.

You won't pay $199, you won't even pay $99.

By ordering today only through this page, you get the entire tao of badass complete attraction system, plus 9 additional complete bonus products i'm about to show you...

For only $47!

Fully guaranteed for 60 days!

If for any reason you don't fall in love with the tao system simply ask us for a refund and we'll give it to you.

Every penny without questions or hassles.

And you can keep all of the bonus books just for giving it a shot!

Dating multiples report - A complete guide to dating multiple women at the same time and how to have them love you for it (Without lying, tricking them, cheating, or being a "player") and a secret, hidden way to eliminate jealously in any relationship.

Cheat-proof yourself report - This handy little guide will teach you the secret tool that will make you look like the only guy who exists in the world.

Escaping the friend-zone - If you've ever been trapped in the friend-zone and you wanted to be more than friends but you didn't know how, you know how much it completely sucks. This report will teach you the advanced techniques needed to make sure that never happens and how to get out of it if it does.

The guide to breaking up report - As you go on your journey you'll have to end relationships with women that you'll care about a lot because, at the end of the day, you'll probably only be able to choose one. When that time comes, if you don't know the exact steps to do in the right order, you'll cause a tornado of pain and suffering to those women. This guide teaches you word-for-word tips to get you through it and out the other side still being friends.

The author's unabridged audio commentary narrated by joshua pellicer - Want an inside look into my thoughts behind each of the secrets
I reveal in Tao? This audio commentary will walk you through a *new* way of approaching these secrets. Uncensored and straight from the source!

You'll also get this special bonus:

Module 1 of my live ground-breaking "hacking attraction" course

There are 4 major different 'types' of super skills that a guy can have. This brand new program reveals those skills and walks you through to find yours. And of course once you find it, how to use it effectively to attract the hottest women on the planet!

Joshua pellicer's banter cheat sheet

So i created this cheat sheet for you to access at any time to get new, creative, funny things to say that will build massive amounts of attraction with the women you meet. You'll get lifetime access to the frequently updated banter cheat sheet as a bonus. On there you'll see word for word, proven "what to say" lines that make women smile and open up to you.

And, finally, your super bonus:

The world renowned 5-week Body language mastery course.

If you order now, i'll throw in my complete body language training course (a $1,700 value) for free!

In this 5-week intensive program i reveal the 5 pillars of sex appeal. You'll have to jump on board to check it out and see just what those 5 pillars are. But once you get into it, you'll agree with the rest of my advanced students. The 5-week body language mastery course is the most effective program ever discovered for turning women on without even opening your mouth!

All of this for only $47!

Fully guaranteed for 60 days.

I want you to click on the button at the bottom of this page that says "click to order now" Because you want to be with more beautiful women.

And i've got a proven, easy-to-use attraction system for you that is guaranteed to do exactly that.

And, if you order now, i'll also give you lifetime access to the tao members-only private community (a $200 value) absolutely free!

Then log in instantly by clicking the orange "click to order now" at the bottom of this page.

Once you click the orange "click to order now" button below you'll be taken instantly to a secure checkout page.

You'll be confident knowing that your data is private and guaranteed secure by mcafee and verisign with 128-bit encryption.

And then, within a matter of seconds, you'll unlock the secrets within the tao system.

And have the most desirable women eating out of the palm of your hand tonight.

I don't know about you, but for me...

And yes... Choosing to do nothing is a choice.

I don't want to let this opportunity walk right by me and jump into the lap of the next guy in line.

I don't want to kick myself later because i did not take action now.

And, if you're anything like i was...

And, you want to walk up with a cocky grin on your face...make eye contact with her...and see her smile...lean in...and whisper...

"Who are you and where have you been all my life?"

You've got a decision to make.

You can either look at your cell phone a week from now and see "no new text messages" again.

Or check your phone and see another naughty picture from a new, young girl in a sexy miniskirt that shows off her amazing legs perfectly...

And a text that reads:

What if getting women like this to literally schedule days that they could come over and please you is as easy as i have told you about?

What would your life be like in a month from now if you had that knowledge today?

Would you be more confident?

Would you be happier?

Would it be ok if some of your friends approached you in private and asked if you could teach them how to do it?

Would your life be 10x better?

100x better?

Well right now you've got an opportunity to take control.

To grab the reigns and join the thousands of other guys like you who are actively getting the ultimate edge on the competition.

And i'm going to take all the risk.

You've got 60 days to return it if it doesn't work for you.

Join us and get the complete tao system right now by clicking on the orange "click to order now" button at the bottom of this page.

In a matter of seconds all of my secret knowledge will be splayed out in front of you.

From there i want you to flip straight to page 85 where i'll reveal the secret tests to you that that 99% of guys fail every time.

And right there you'll see word-for-word responses to pass these tests.

Your privacy is fully protected and guaranteed by mcafee and verisign. The billing is discreet and private.

The access is digital and instant.

But you must act now and I'll tell you why:

All of these bonuses are going to be removed shortly and you will have to pay the regular price for them after that.

I can guarantee that you'll be 100% satisfied with the tao system.

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